1. 17% higher click-through rate with authentic reviews

Start by collecting authentic reviews: the currency of digital trust. The more reviews you have, the better you can drive retention, lower your cost per click and improve traffic quality.

3. Appeal to over 40 million memberships

The Trusted Shops Trustmark is the sign of trustworthiness in the community and beyond and reduces the anxiety about fraud and quality issues.

2. 15% better conversion with the Trustmark

With good reviews and meeting the Trusted Shops quality criteria, you earn the Trustmark: your sixth star, building instant trust with millions of members.

4. 10% increased shopping baskets with Buyer Protection

Because you have proven your trustworthiness, Trusted Shops offers Buyer Protection for all consumer members in your shop, removing a major purchase barrier and increasing revenue.

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Start building trust with your membership

Explore pricing options

Discover the benefits of your membership

Benefit from easy integration

Integrate Trusted Shops into your shop with ease:For many e-commerce platforms, all you need to do is activate our products by flipping on a switch. The Trustbadge® Technology makes it possible.

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Build your success on legal security

Ensure your online shop is legally protected with our comprehensive range of legal products. Designed to shield your business from costly legal pitfalls and provide you with expert legal advice, our solutions offer the peace of mind you need to focus on growing your business.

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Discover the impact

The data and tests of our valued customers show that Trusted Shops is proving its worth in business every day.

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    Join 32,000+ companies in the Community of Trust



    Fancy more details?

    We are pleased to provide you with informative whitepapers featuring our valued customers that give interesting insights and important conclusions on how to improve your business with Trusted Shops.

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